venerdì 6 aprile 2012

Interviewing Oscar Wilde

compito: Intervistando Oscar wilde (periodo – vita – opere – il suo Estetismo)  -  Dopo aver letto questo testo, che traduce in Inglese e condensa quanto presentato nei post precedenti di questo blog, e tenendo conto delle evidenziazioni, formula quattro domande in Inglese, immaginando di rivolgerle allo scrittore Oscar Wilde, quindi, dalle informazioni qui fornite, formula anche la risposta (breve e condensata !!!!) immaginando questa volta di essere tu lo scrittore che parla.
 introduction   -    Oscar Wilde lived during the Victorian Age .
the Victorian Age  -   Victorian Age refers to the long reign of Queen Victoria .
its values  -  Thanks to her moral example people believed in values such as honesty, patriotism, family devotion,  respectability, good manners, chastity, sense of duty, hard work and trust in the material progress.
its double face  -   Nevertheless the Victorian Age had  a double face: it was chaste, puritan and repressive,  while it could be sensual and unconventional, the most contradictory periods in the English history.
As a consequence sexual severity was followed by a foolish research of  the denied.
Victorian Compromise   -    This was called the “Victorian Compromise”: there was a high sense of morality together with  prostitution, bad theatres and drug addiction.
the role of the writers -  Oscar Wilde was thus an observer of this contradictory scene.   “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, "The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde",  and Sherlock Holmes and  Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories, dealt with this duplicity.
life education and personality   -    Born in Dublin in 1854, after  a good education he became very popular for his sharp criticism, versatile intelligence and his really extravagant way of  living and dressing. He met Pater and Ruskin, who introduced him into Aestheticism.
his works   -    He got married, had two children, but his homosexual relationship caused the end of his marriage. This is the period of his first collection of tales for children “The Happy Prince and other stories” and of  “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, his unique novel, where he talks of decadence and moral disorder. In all his works,  all  “comedy of manners”, he illustrates the apparent good and moral society of the time.
 the period of  prison   -    For his homosexual relationship he was sent in prison later seen  as  a sort of  prize to be paid for his life of pleasure (“De Profundis”). He died in Paris alone.
Catholicism -   Catholicism is the only religion in which I would like to die”, he had said during his youth. Catholicism was denied to him by his father who had chosen to be Anglican  fearing to go down in the social ladder. It was during  the period in prison that he ended his process of conversion.
the movement   -   This was also the age of  Aestheticism believing in the principle of “Art for Art’s sake”
 Victorian  vs  Aesthetic values    -    Aestheticism wanted to free art from  any moral, social and political aims, as the Victorian thinkers wished and  it wanted art only  to be beautiful in itself.
the reaction    -     As a consequence aesthetic people contrasted capitalism, money, social position, a powerful nation and positivism because they were typical Victorian false moral values.
Wilde contributed to shake the conventional and apparent moral  apathy of the period.

2 commenti:

  1. Interviewer : Well, Mr Oscar Wilde, you lived during the Victorian Age and we know you were a keen observer of this period. What characterized it?
    Oscar Wilde: well, thank you very much for the “keen” definition! I noticed that my age was peculiar. But let’s start from the beginning. It was so called because it refers to the long reign of Queen Victoria.
    Thanks to her moral example people believed in values such as honesty, patriotism …
    Interviewer: … yes, family devotion, respectability …
    Oscar Wilde: … and good manners, chastity, sense of duty …
    Interviewer : … hard work and trust in the material progress, didn’t they?
    Oscar Wilde: Yes, nevertheless the Victorian Age had a double face: it was chaste, puritan and repressive, while it could be sensual and unconventional at the same time. The most contradictory period in the English history.
    As a consequence sexual severity was followed by a foolish research of the denied.
    Interviewer : This was called the “Victorian Compromise”, wasn’t it? Oscar Wilde: Yes, there was a high sense of morality together with prostitution, bad theatres and drug addiction.
    Interviewer : So “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, "The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", and Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories, dealt with this duplicity.
    Interviewer : In fact, Mr Wilde, in your masterpiece, “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, you talk of decadence and moral disorder.
    Oscar Wilde: Yes, in all my works, all “comedy of manners”, I illustrate the apparent good and moral society of the time.

    Interviewer : Well, Mr Wilde, your criticism towards your age was not only a personal matter…
    Oscar Wilde: … yes, yes, Aestheticism, in fact, was a movement which contributed to free art from any moral, social and political aims, as the Victorian thinkers wished….
    Interviewer : … and with its motto “Art for art’s sake” it wanted art only to be beautiful in itself !!!
    Oscar Wilde: yes, good, you said right, … and as consequence aesthetic people contrasted all Victorian false moral values: capitalism, positivism, respectability, chastity and so on…
    Interviewer : Thus shaking the conventional and apparent moral apathy of the period …
    Oscar Wilde: yes, in fact …

    Interviewer : Well, Mr Wilde, something about your life. You were born in Dublin and you had a good education. You became famous for your sharp criticism…
    Oscar Wilde: … and my extravagant way of living and dressing too. I got married, I had two children, but my homosexual relationship caused the end of my marriage. For my doubtful lifestyle I was sent to prison.
    Interviewer : Would you like to talk about this delicate period of your life?
    Oscar Wilde: Well, it was a very difficult moment in my life. I wrote “De Profundis”, where I reflected on it and I understood that it was a sort of prize to be paid for my life full of pleasure.
    Interviewer : What about your Catholicism?
    Oscar Wilde: well, Catholicism is the only religion in which I would like to die. Catholicism was denied to me by my father fearing to go down in the social ladder. It was during the period in prison that I ended my process of conversion.

    Interviewer : I see … well Mr Wilde I thank you very much for your time for us …
